Our prices

Our prices

The main idea of camp is to bring energetic, brave and cheerful people in one place, with the same desire - to have fun and surf! Package "Surf Break" is affordable and good quality offer for those, who really want to learn surfing.

For reservation please press "Book now" and fill all fields. We will send you a confirmation within 1 day.
To book you will have to make a 20% prepayment with any of convenient way.

what is included

6-pax dorm
7 days: 499 €
10 days: 699 €
14 days: 989
7 days: +100
10 days: +139
14 days: +184
2-pax dorm
7 days: +199
10 days: +279
14 days: +399 €
Extra day in the camp
68 €

Group lessons packages
what is included

Are you beginner? We will tell you everything about the ocean and surf etiquette. We will teach you all basic manoeuvres. You will fully enjoy your first wave with us.

Are you intermidiate? Our crew will carefully work on your surf technique. We will focus on skills that you need to improve, for this reason we will use video analyses. Cut backs, top turns, bottom turns, carving - is small list of what you can learn with us.
«Wanna try»
1 lesson - 35
Try surfing once and we are sure you will never stop thinking of it.
«Warm up»
3 lessons - 99
3 lessons is needed minimum to receive a bit of muscle memory and to make more fun out of it.
«Line up»
5 lessons - 165
Based on our experienced, to reach Level 2 of surfing called "Line up" you need
5 lessons.
«Deep dive»
7 уроков за 229
Progressive course for highly motivated surfers.

Individual lessons

1 lesson (adult) - 79
1 lesson (child) - 59

Что входит в стоимость уроков

Для новичков

– вводная лекция или лекция для продвинутых;
– аренда новеньких досочек;
– аренда гидрокостюмов;
– разбор взлетов и падений;
– видео/фото съемка (в пакете от 3х занятий);
– видеоанализ ошибок (в пакете от 3х занятий;
– наши инструкторы создают дружественную атмосферу позитива и комфорта, кататься с нами — одно удовольствие.
Для продвинутых

– углубленная лекция «чтение волны»;
– аренда новеньких досочек (в наличии есть харды);
– аренда гидрокостюмов;
– видео/фото съемка (в пакете от 3х занятий);
– видеоанализ ошибок (в пакете от 3х занятий);
– фитнес тренировка по улучшению тэйк оффа (в пакете от 5 занятий);
– стретч-тренировка «растягиваемся для маневров» (в пакете от 7 занятий).